The German Customs (Zoll), in charge of the compliance under the THG quota, recently published the 2021 data. As we highlighted before, the Customs do not wish to guarantee full transparency of its calculations; some incoherencies with other sources (BAFA and BLE) remain. However, interesting takeaways can be glimpsed in it.
Volumetric figures
- Customs data show the diesel and gasoline pools under compliance in 2021 decreased by 2.6% and 1.5%, respectively, compared to 2020. BAFA recorded 0% and + 1.5%.
- Biodiesel blends were down 23% in 2021 to 3.14 million cum, translating into a blending ratio of 7.8%. BAFA recorded (again) lower volumes estimated at 2.9 million cum.
- Ethanol volumes were up 4% to 1.46 million cum. This figure is in line with BAFA.
- The pure biofuel segment remains at a standstill in Germany: only 12 Kcum were reported in 2021.
- Biomethane-generated savings increased by 37% to 717 GWh.
- A 98% surge of natural gas (CNG/LNG) occurred in 2021, last year those fossil fuels generated savings due to their lower GHG emissions than the baseline.
- Renewable electricity supplied to the road sector progressed by 73% to 199 GWh.
- Hydrogen-generated savings increased by 122% to 182 mt.
GHG savings figures
- The dataset confirmed our anticipation that for the third consecutive year, more tickets would be created, and that the surplus would exceed 2 million mt CO2eq at the end of 2021:921’055 in 2019 + 990’398 in 2020 + 512’060 in 2021 = 2’423’513 mt.
- This current surplus corresponds to 730 KT of HVO with 80% savings (vs 94 gCo2eq/MJ fuel comparator).
- Biofuels blends generated about 80% of the savings recorded in 2021.
- Savings generated from UERs hit only 1.82 million mt CO2eq, covering 14%. It was short of the 1.2% cap, closer to 0.9%.
- Fossil natural gas generated more savings (3.6% of total) than their biocomponents (2.6%).
- Contribution of electricity (0.2%) and hydrogen (0.01%) remained extremely poor.